#2 Green Future Solutions - "Smart Ports" The "Smart Ports" webinar was the 2nd of the Green Future Solutions webinar series. It was held on the 27th of May 2021. We co-organised this event...
Business and Legal Aspects of Co-Innovation and Cross-Industrial Cooperation between France and the Nordics Webinar on the Business and Legal Aspects of Co-Innovation and Cross-Industrial Cooperation between France and the Nordics - 04/29/21
#1 Green Future Solutions - "Greening Maritime and River Transport: Electric, Hydrogen and Hybrid Solutions" The "Greening Maritime and River Transport: Electric, Hydrogen and Hybrid Solutions" webinar was the first of the Green Future Solutions webinar...
French Norwegian Days 2020: Opening session panel discussion Panel discussion during the Opening session of the French-Norwegian E-Forum 2020, "A Smart & Clean Ocean".
Video: Sustainable Blue Growth Forum We are concluding this throwback with a movie from the Sustainable Blue Growth forum. We wish to thank the partners of this forum: the Nordic...