Actualités  •  COVID-19

Covid-19 – Resource center for businesses in France and in Norway

We are monitoring the situation with the COVID-19 closely, taking precautionary measures and sharing updates / advice throughout our network. Today more than ever we are at your service to share experiences, initiatives and measures that will allow us to face this situation together.

You will find below a list of official links regarding government measures in place for businesses. Do not hesitate to contact us to be informed and accompanied regarding the application of the measures adopted by the Norwegian and French governments to alleviate the economic impact.

Official information for companies established in France, including Norwegian subsidiaries:

French Government

On this website you can find information and guidance from the French Government regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease COVID-19 in France.

Choose France 

Information about the restrictions related to the corona virus outbreak for foreign workers and companies working in France.

Information for Nordic companies from Business France


This document summarizes all Government and institution measures implemented in France in response to COVID-19.


Global tax and law tracker.

La French Tech

French Government measures for companies in critical financial conditions.

France Digitale Startup Rescue Kit

This special kit has been designed to answer any questions startups may have on the impact of Covid-19 on their business in terms of labour law, tax and financial aid, etc.


More information in French:

French Government

Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances

Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie


BPI France

Official information for companies established in Norway, including French subsidiaries:

These links may answer your questions about the Corona situation in Norway:


Norwegian Government

Here you will find business advice, news and updated information for companies regarding the situation in Norway:



Find below information about rules of permutation and sickness in Coronas Cases:

Brækhus Advokatfirma

(Information in Norwegian)

Norwegian Government and institution measures in response to COVID-19:



  • French-America Chamber of Commerce Chicago

Learn tips about body language during videos:

Webinar body language

Best practices from our network:


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