Sustainable mobility Seminar
The French Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and ALD Automotive organized on the 20th of January a breakfast seminar on “Sustainable mobility” to get an insight of the future development of electric vehicles in Norway. The participants were shown Oslo’s perspective on the EVs, the expectations of the customers, the technologies’ evolution and the advantages of having an electric vehicle as company cars or private lease (incentives, tax…).
The topic of this seminar was driven by the facts that Norway has the largest fleet of plug-in electric vehicles per capital in the world and that Oslo is being recognized as the worldwide EV capital.
Tim Albertsen, Group deputy of ALD Automotive, opened the seminar by presenting the sustainable mobility plan of his company. He was followed by Christina Bu, Secretary General of Elbilforening, who talked about the future of electric vehicles in Norway. She presented the incentives and the development of EVs infrastructure in the country. Sture Portvik, Project manager for EV infrastructure in the city of Oslo, showed the audience the results of EV’s impact in Oslo. Finally, Nils-Henrik Holmen, managing director of Renault Norge, and Pål Simonsen, Director of Northern Europe of Tesla, presented their electric models, the Renault Zoe & Twizy and the Tesla S & X.
The talks were followed by a test drive of Renault and Tesla models.
The CCFN would like to thank all the participants and partners for this successful event.
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