The CCFN introduces 18 French companies to the Norwegian market
In cooperation with Business France and BPI France, the CCFN launched the mission “French fab” in the fall of 2020.
The 18 companies participating, from different sectors and industries, have a common goal: export their products and services to the Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish market. Through digital B2B meetings, the CCFN and Business France Denmark, Sweden and Finland, have helped the French companies to get a first initial contact in the Nordic countries. The aim of the French Fab mission is to further cooperation and to find new business opportunities.
The companies that participate in the French Fab mission are:
Apix Analytics develops and markets multi-gas analysis systems based on silicon integration. This technology, applicable to the fields of air quality control, industrial process monitoring and natural gas and biogas control. Find out more here:
Astillo are specialists in surface treatment in buildings. They work primarily with decontamination of pollutants such as asbestos, PCBs, lead and other toxic or radioactive substances. Find out more here:
CLEXTRAL offers turnkey production lines in the food industry with their screw extrusion technology. They have solutions for the processing of snacks, cereals, crackers, baby food, vegetarian burgers, and so on. Find out more here:
CLS are specialists in solutions for measuring/monitoring offshore wind farms, using satellite signals.
Find out more here:
EasyMile are specialists in driverless technology based on robotics, computer vision and vehicle dynamics driven by deep learning. They have solutions for autonomy that can be integrated in any type of vehicle: bus, tractor, and so on. Find out more here:
Energy Pool offers a unique software platform to balance energy supply and demand in real time. They contribute to more efficient, decentralized and decarbonized energy systems and thus help customers reduce electricity bills. Find out more here:
La Forezienne has 40 years of experience as a manufacturer of cutting tools for the first and second transformation of wood. After several years of research, the company has developed TCT IMAGINE carbide band blades with a cutting resistance that is 5 to 10 times more efficient. Find out more here:
Atelier du Haut Forez specializes in the production of beds and furniture for hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and communities. Find out more here:
Indra is the leader in France in the recycling of vehicles with 34% of the market. Indra recycles more than 95% of the mass of vehicles which reinforces the need for intelligent recycling. Indra aims to build a responsible, high quality and efficient industry to meet the challenges of depletion of natural resources. Find out more here:
Oktal-Sydac is an innovative training simulator company that has delivered over 700 simulators to customers around the world. They focus on two main areas: training simulators that serve the needs of the transport industry, and advanced capabilities in R&D. Find out more here:
PINETTE P.E.I. is an industrial engineering group that designs and supplies molding and testing equipment, automated production lines, custom machines and turnkey factories for the world's largest industrial group, including the aerospace, automotive and energy sectors. Find out more here:
Qarnot recovers waste heat from computer servers to heat buildings and water. They developed the first computer radiator, which uses computer microprocessors as a heat source. Find out more here:
Rondino Road was the first manufacturer to create the concept of wood-to-metal road railings and was the first to install road railings in the Alps in 1984. Find out more here:
Sefi-Intrafor, the foundation department of the FAYAT Group, are experts in the field and offer a wide range of suitable solutions to their customers for the realization of all types of deep foundations and underground work. Find out more here:
SFE International is a leader in electrical risk prevention equipment as well as construction and network administration equipment. As a member of the EDP (Electrical Safety Products) division, SFE can rely on the experience from its own production facilities to offer its customers high-performance solutions for all three voltage fields (LV, MV and HV). Find out more here:
Technogenia specializes in anti-wear and anti-corrosion welding coatings for new and used industrial components. Find out more here:
Tennaxia has developed a market-leading waste management software in France for the industrial sector. The solution contributes to the improvement of waste management in both an economical and sustainable way. Find out more here:
Toutenkamion is the European leader for the design, production and adaptation of the truck's cab and mobile units on trucks, semi-trailers and shelters / containers. Find out more here:
If you are interested in meeting any of these companies, please contact:
- Mathilde Heggelund Mary on mary(@) for Apix Analytics, la Forezienne, Clextral, Atelier du Haut Forez, CLS, Pinette P.E.I and Sefi-Intrafor.
- Luc Bodet on bodet(@) for Indra, Toutenkamion, SFE, Rondino Road and Oktal-Sydac.
- Elna Rosin on rosin(@) for Astillo, Quarnot, Technogenia, Tennaxia, Easy Mile and Energy Pool.