Bilans d’évènement

The French maritime booster: CCFN brought 10 innovative French companies to Oslo and Ålesund in November

The French Maritime Booster is an acceleration program designed for French companies willing to expand on the Norwegian and Finnish markets. It is organized by Business France, in cooperation with the French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce. It started in August 2021 and will end next April. Ten innovative companies have been selected among the applicants: AMBPRAYRODAMSIAECOSOFTECFALCOLEMMANEPTECHNOTILO PLUSSBG SYSTEMS and SEAOWL GROUP.  


For the Norwegian part of the program, 45 Teams-meetings were organized among the French participants and Norwegian maritime companies, between September and November 2021. Then, to meet other potential partners, the delegation came on a Business Study Trip to Finland and Norway from the 22nd to the 26th of November.  

On the 23rd of November, the French companies taking part in the program arrived in Oslo after a couple of days spent in Helsinki.  


In Oslo, the program on the 24th of November was a French-Norwegian Maritime Seminar that took place at BI Norwegian Business School. From the Norwegian part, we had the chance to have speakers from DNV, Equinor, Grieg Maritime and Kongsberg Maritime. The morning was dedicated to presentations from the Norwegian and French participants, while the afternoon to B2B meetings, before heading to the airport, direction Ålesund! 


In Ålesund, on the 25th of November, the French delegation was welcomed by the Blue Maritime Cluster in their premises. First, we had the privilege to experience the most advanced Offshore Simulator in Europe, before continuing with presentations from the French companies and some Norwegian counterparts, members of the Cluster. We had the honour of having the presence of H.E Pierre-Mathieu Duhamel, the Ambassador of France to Norway, who made a speech about the French-Norwegian bilateral cooperation opportunities on the maritime sector. The afternoon was dedicated to B2B speed-meetings. 


The following day, the Business study trip continued with an interesting visit of the ULSTEIN Shipyard, presentations from other members of the Cluster and again B2B speed-meetings, before heading back to the airport.  


See more information about the French participants here and do not hesitate to contact Mathilde Willadsen on if you are interested in meeting some of the French companies.


Photos credit: ÅKP/Anne Marthe Vestre Berge


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