Upcoming Seminar : Business opportunities in French-speaking Africa - 8th of March
The French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and the Norwegian-African Business Association will organize a seminar in Oslo on March 8th to highlight business opportunities in Africa through French-Norwegian collaboration.
Location: NHO, Middelthuns gate 27, Majorstuen - 0368 Oslo (Metro Majorstua)
8.30 – 8.45 Registration
8.45 – 9.00 Welcome
Sindre Walderhaug, Vice President of the French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce
H.E. Jean François Dobelle, Ambassador of France to Norway
Evolution of Global Mobility
Keynote speaker: Arnaud Vaissié
Arnaud Vaissié is Co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of International SOS, the world's leading medical and travel security risk Services Company. Present in 92 countries, the group currently operates with more than 11,000 employees, including 1,400 doctors and 200 security specialists. Arnaud Vaissié chairs CCI France International, which is the Union of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry Abroad, bringing together 112 French Chambers in 82 countries (including CCFN in Norway).
Doing business in Africa
- Overview and advice on investment opportunities in french-speaking Africa.
Patrick Sevaistre, Member of the Steering Committee - Conseil Francais des Investisseurs
en Afrique (CIAN)
- Why and how prevention works?
Best practices on Travel Risk Management including a case scenario on Africa by Tim Willis,
Security Director Northern Europe and Dr Lars Petersen, Regional Medical Director
Nordics - International SOS
- Important legal aspects: What you need to know when investing in French-speaking Africa
Sébastien Pontillo, Consel - DLA Piper law firm
- A successful logistic strategy for the African market: Dos & Don'ts
Christophe De Chanterac, Marketing Director Africa - Bolloré Logistics
10.45 – 11.00 Break
From working with women cooperatives in Cote d'Ivoire to a popular West African drink brand in Oslo
Antoinette Botti, Director - Ging AS
The African Energy market: Solar and Oil & Gas
Business opportunities in Africa for Norwegian suppliers
Presentation & Panel debate with representatives from French and Norwegian companies
Terje Osmundsen, SVP Business Development - Scatec Solar. Responsible for Early-phase Development of New markets and opportunities. Terje also coordinates the company’s Government Relations.
Henning Hverven, CEO - Carbon Wealth
Adekola Oyenuga - AO Energy Consulting
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch – Mingling
Registration before 7th of March.
Special fee for NABA and CCFN members: 450 Nok including lunch
Non-members: 900 Nok including lunch