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French-Norwegian Day 2023

Oslo, Norway, Norvège

L'événement est terminé.

Every year since 2005, the CCFN and its partners gather the French-Norwegian community and public/private experts to the French-Norwegian Day.

Every year since 2005, the French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce (CCFN) and its partners have gathered the French-Norwegian community and public/private experts for the French-Norwegian Day in Oslo. This forum is a unique opportunity to share best practices, stimulate innovation and detect cooperation opportunities for a more sustainable future. 

In 2023, we decided to focus on the topic of circular economy.

Topics to be debated: 

  • Critical Raw Materials
  • Industry & Buildings
  • Digital
  • Sustainable Food Future
  • Financing the Transition

This year the gathering will begin with a special appearance by Olivier Becht, French Minister Delegate to Foreign Trade, Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad. Then a conference will take place during which experts will exchange on cooperation opportunities between France and Norway on specific themes. Following that conference, keynote, panel discussion and workshops will enable the participants to talk about the future possibilities of circular economy and opportunities between French and Norwegian companies.

At the end of the day, the French-Norwegian Days continue with a reception and a gala dinner organised in the prestigious Gamle Logen hall. This is also the opportunity for the "Fransk-Norsk Trophée" to be awarded to the company that has contributed the most to the development of commercial and industrial exchanges between France and Norway.


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